Tuesday, September 27, 2011

We Can...

Touch our toes...

Say Cheese...

"Always walk through life as if you have something new to learn and you will." -Vernon Howard

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

From Tube to Tube

Well, if it isn't one thing it's another, right?!

I guess you could say I was excited about heading out of town for the weekend. I guess. If it weren't for the 5 hour road trip with two babies, one who needs MY milk! But despite my "excitement" we loaded up (A LOT OF STUFF!) and took off to Henderson, Nevada. Why Henderson you ask? Well, our very fun and thoughtful neighbors have a house there and invited us for a little getaway. We planned on going to a Las Vegas pool. A Las Vegas buffet. A Las Vegas casino. We planned on taking a "break" from ordinary life. We also planned on taking a dip in Lake Mead. All lovely and terrific plans.

But whoever plans knows that you shouldn't really plan. Especially when traveling with kids!

We did make it to Lake Mead, but that about did it for our "vacation". All those other plans all went to the wayside when...

Katin went from this tube:

To this tube:

She's OK now....still recovering. We were very thankful that we were near a place that could treat her difficulties breathing. She was such a trooper. And when it comes to your kids being sick or in pain, somehow you just get way courageous and strong. I couldn't break down and cry like I wanted to. (I did later that night when she was in bed) But when I stood there by her side all we could do was try and giggle and pray to Jesus to take care of her.

He did. And He will. He's faithful and caring. And although these life experiences are hard and exhausting, I'm thankful for the comfort He brings to my heart and my soul. I'm thankful that I get to be a mom....and that I don't have to do it alone.

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Summer End

Despite the 90+ degree temps today (NOT lying) we've been slowly saying good-bye to summer. And although my darling daughters aren't heading off to school (gulp) yet, the vibe around here is that school has started! Even though summer won't really be trailing off because there really are no seasons here, we still say farewell to the free summer trolley, surfboards and millions of our closest friends called "tourists". For us, end of summer means two things: 1. It might actually be dark when my girls go to bed and 2. BSF starts! So as I sit here drenched in my own sweat, I will dream of Colorado Falls....ahhh...those cool, crisp days. (Maybe you Coloradans are dreaming of fall too?!?!)