Sunday, May 26, 2013

A Special Treat

Words cannot even begin to express the gratitude I've been feeling lately.  I can't think of the right things to say to show my excitement and joy knowing that my SISTER will be my neighbor!!!  It's truly a special relationship...a sisters...and I'm so thankful that God has blessed me with one!  Not only is she one of the sweetest most generous people I know, she's also one of the smartest...actually THE smartest...the most genuine and REAL person I've ever known.  Because I have my sister, I am a better person.  Honestly.  She makes me think about others more than myself.  She makes me yearn to love my husband better.  She makes me remember what a great family we have that all love so unconditionally that it's almost hard to believe.  She makes me who I am.  My sister.  She makes me want to be a better person and I'm so glad to have her close by.  FINALLY!!!

I know Atlanta, and all that entails, will miss her dearly.  We're lucky to have you, Becky!  (And Avery, and David)  Not only do my girls just adore them all, Thomas and I have enjoyed the many conversations and get togethers that we've already had.  We are looking forward to a lifetime of memories made here and many days of chatting, beer tasting, baby playing, diaper changing, pacifier finding, bow tying, bike riding, tennis playing, pool going and growing closer.  What a special treat it will be to live next to my best friend, my sister.

Smiling from ear to ear....


And seriously, don't we look like the epitome of "Amazing Race" potential?!

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Day with Daddy

The girls have been spending a lot of days with daddy which they LOVE!!!  When he isn't working at the church, I get to go sub.  Subbing for me is like having adult conversations and a time to really test my math skills.  Yes, we're talking 5th grade-ish.  But as I've said, Daddy days are well liked around here most likely because he takes them to really fun places.  Top three so far are probably the "fast" park, sledding (see previous post) and the Butterfly Pavilion.  Here are the highlights from their day with butterflies...and turtles...and starfish...and tarantulas...