Friday, May 7, 2010

Mother's Day

Happy Mother's Day to all those incredible MOMS out there!

As I was standing in the card isle at Target staring at the Mother's Day cards wondering which one I would get my mom, it dawned on me. I am a mom! I have a daughter who will someday stand in the card isle in Target (yes, Target...she'll love it like I do) wondering which card to choose for me. CRAZY!

That's when it hit me...I'm actually doing it. I'm actually being a mom and I'm not that bad at it. I will admit, I was much better at my old job. The one I resigned from so I could start this new one. But who can blame me, I went to school to learn how to do that old job. There is no mommy school folks. Not that I know of anyway.

But you better believe it! Each day that rolls around I learn something new. And it takes some pretty impressive skills to be a mother. Like engineering skills. You gotta know how to build a very tall yet sturdy block tower so your baby can knock it over. Like doctor skills. You gotta know how to get those pesky little boogers that keep baby from breathing well out of baby's nose. Like lawyer skills. You gotta know how to reason with...well, yourself...about how to make a good decision. Like chef skills. You gotta know how to make baby food taste good. Like pilot skills. You gotta know how to fly an airplane spoon into baby's mouth. Like mommy skills. You know!?

And as I have learned these knew found skills, I think about my own mother who had to learn these skills with me. And she's still learning what it takes to be a mom....because it lasts forever. We're in it forever. I'm in this forever. And I couldn't be any happier. Not only because I have a precious daughter, but because I have an amazing mother who may not know this, but as she continues to be the best mom there is I am striving everyday to be half the mom she is to me. Because if I can do that, then forever will be truly wonderful.

Thanks Mom, I love you!


  1. K-Love - you're an awesome mom! I know your beautiful daughter will always know how blessed she is to have you as her mom :) She's one lucky girl!

  2. Kristen, you made me cry and that's ok. Us mom's will always do the best we can for all. I love you too. Happy first Mother's Day!

  3. You are a GREAT mom. And you got skills, baby. Like numchuck skills, computer hacking skills.......
