She's Wearing Big Girl Underwear!
That's right, readers! Katin is wearing big girl undies! When Thomas was away a couple of weeks ago, my mom came and took Katin for the afternoon so I could have some one on one time with Aubrey. (Thanks Mom!) When she brought her back she was wearing UNDERWEAR! Up to this point, she had been going poo poo in the toilet. And every so often she would go pee pee....but I really wasn't ready to commit to underwear yet. Even though she may have been ready....I was kinda silently dragging my feet a little. It's pretty easy not having to know where the closest bathroom is or what time she last went pee pee or not having to pack an extra pair of undies and pants. But lo and behold...she came back from Grandma's in underwear. It took a few days for me to say goodbye to the ease of diapers, but I did it! And when daddy came home, Katin pretty much forgot what a diaper was! He was so impressed! So since then we've been to the store to purchase more big girl undies and have done a few extra loads of laundry so we can have clean undies....cuz let's be honest...accidents happen.
And so begins my mishap Monday! We were at the park. The park without a bathroom. There are, however, many bushes that most kids use as a bathroom. Kinda gross, but we moms know what bushes to stay away from. Katin had a little bit to drink and was playing to her little hearts content when all of a sudden she sat down and gave me the look. The "I just peed my pants" look. I knew it! I knew I should have taken her to the bush right before that! Of course her pants got soaked and she even leaked through to the concrete she was sitting on next to the playground. I quickly took her away and changed her undies and pants saying, of course, that everything will be OK and not to be sad. And you know what...
We left. I left that little puddle of Katin pee on the concrete with the hopes of lots of sunshine to dry it up fast! It's like I didn't pick up after my dog, right?! So tacky. I'm sorry neighbors, but I just didn't have a hose on me.
ummm... slightly different than not picking up after your dog!! :) Could you have Katin talk with Halen?? I'm thinking all she needs is a little encouragement and a great pep talk - what are friends for, right?
ReplyDeleteremember how Mason taught Katin to walk? we need Katin to come show him the potty way!