Friday, February 24, 2012

parenthood- not just a show on tv

Ok. Is anyone else as sad and heartbroken as I am that Parenthood is coming to an end this season? I think it's hands down the best show ever created! I'm supercalifragilisticexpialidociously excited to watch the season finale next week, but that only means that it's over. Done. No more looking forward to nap time on Wednesdays when I watch my DVR'd Parenthood with a piece of chocolate. I'm not lying when I tell you that I cry....not just teary-eyed cries, but full on bawling at most of the episodes. Maybe it's the perfectly cast actors. Maybe it's the writing. Maybe it's the relationships that are so spot on I can see parts of my own family in it. Maybe it's just the fact that I LOVE my family so much and when I watch the show I think of them and long to be with them.

Like Thomas...he's the love of my life and it never gets old hanging out with him. He always has something new to talk about or think through.

Or Becky- My little Atlanta sister who is miles away but knows my heart like no one else.

Or my mommy- She exceeds all my expectations of what a mother should be....of a mother I would like to be.

Or my Dad- Who even though I live with I can never get enough hugs from.

Or my step parents- They should really be called "other" parents because "step" just sounds strange. They fully support and love everything I am and do.

Or my aunt Donna- Her contagious spirit leaves me with a smile every time I see her.

Or Heather- not just a sister....a friend....someone I can call at anytime of the day and she'll be there. To listen. To advise. To laugh.

Or my sister...I mean...cousin Jordan- She has a calmness about her that makes me take a deep breath and remember that life is good.

Or My very own daughters- The epitome of "My joy knows no bounds", Paul 2 Corinthians 7. Even a midst the trials and tears that come, they produce in me a joy that has no end.... A joy that is simply from Jesus who loves me and gave them each to me as a gift that I will cherish and enjoy forever!

And that's Parenthood.... A Joy that knows no bounds. A joy that we cry though. Laugh with. Lean on. Lose sleep over. Feel for!

So each time my favorite show comes to an end...I'm thankful for two things:

1. DVR- So I don't have to stay up til 11pm.
2. My own Parenthood journey- the one that I get to share with my entire family.

Might be cheesy, but I seriously love that show and LOVE LOVE LOVE my family! Anyone else with me on this one?